
Walk AF1

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No, it's not Joe Biden's plane Air Force One; it's the first walk of the new Probus Club, Arun Forest, that took place yesterday. Although, funny enough, they both involve an 81 year old going on a journey.

Befitting of an inaugural walk, 27 dedicated members, partners and even some grandchildren encountered the somewhat squelchy, slippy and puddle-strewn terrain around the leafy environs of Walliswood.

A few prayers were said for our safe return at the picturesque 13th century St John the Baptist Church of Okewood, deep in the depths of Chapel Copse and reputedly one of the remotest churches in the country.

Of course, a good pub lunch at the end of a memorable walk is essential and the quaint Scarlett Arms provided us with the opportunity to relax, socialise and enjoy a hearty lunch and a well-earned drink.

Wednesday April 10th, 2024
Monday April 1st, 2024